多様な関係者とともに、地域での循環社会づくりを目指して / Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society With Diverse Stakeholders / 与多方相关者一起,旨在该地区创建循环型社会
Establishing a Recycling-Oriented Society With Diverse Stakeholders
In Kagawa Prefecture, which is famous for Sanuki udon, it is estimated that over 6,000 tons (flour equivalent) of uneaten udon is disposed of annually. This includes noodles cooked at udon shops that sit for too long and must be thrown away, as well as scraps produced in the manufacturing process at factories. In January 2012, various NPOs, businesses, local governments and farmers came together to form the “Udon Total Recycling Consortium” with the goal of reducing food waste by recycling the udon that would otherwise be incinerated as garbage.
With support from external organizations and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, in 2013 they established a system to recycle udon scraps by using them to generate electricity and composting them. Then, through media coverage and the “Udon Total Eco Tour” aimed at general participants, they created spaces where people can learn about, observe and experience the mechanisms of recycling food waste. That same year, they also attended a debrief meeting organized by the Ministry of the Environment which opened their eyes to the problem of curbing emissions associated with food loss.
A plant tour in progress
Wheat seed sowing experience on an eco tour
Afterward, as a result of building relationships with diverse groups and organizations while valuing various possibilities and opportunities, they started the “Food Bank Collaborative Activity” initiative to regularly supply substandard udon to the Council of Social Welfare (as of FY 2020 a total of 2,000 servings have been donated, contributing to a reduction in food loss). Additionally, with growing momentum behind achieving SDGs and reducing food loss, they are working together with diverse stakeholders to maintain cooperative systems to solve regional food loss problems, such as participating in the Kagawa Prefecture Food Loss Reduction Promotion Conference.
It has now been 10 years since the Udon Total Recycling Consortium was formed. They plan to continue their activities for the foreseeable future, with the hopes that they will have a ripple effect on other regions. If you are interested, please take a look at their initiatives.
■Udon Total Recycling Project
在以讃岐乌冬面而闻名的香川县,由于在乌冬面店煮沸后因时间过长而废弃的乌冬面,以及工厂制造过程中所产生的废料,估计每年丢弃6,000吨(按小麦粉换算)。 旨在将作为废物焚烧的乌冬面,通过纳入循环并回收利用来减少食物浪费为宗旨的「乌冬面全循环联盟」在2012 年 1 月由非营利组织、企业、地方政府、农家等多方主体所成立。
在外部组织和环境部项目等的支持下,2013年完成了产生和堆肥乌冬面残留物的回收系统。 从那时起,我们通过媒体采访和面向普通参与者的“乌冬面生态之旅”,一直在传播有关食物垃圾循环机制的信息,并创造了人们可以观察和体验它的学习场所。 同年,我们参加了环境部主办的业务报告会议,使我们认识到了减少粮食损失和浪费的课题意义。
乌冬面全循环联盟成立了10周年。 未来,他们计划继续开展活动,同时预计其他地区也会产生连锁反应。 如果您有兴趣,请看一下我们的活动内容。